fredag den 31. januar 2014


These pages are about my fascination with vintage gear and computers. It's also about being cheap and getting the most out of nothing! For the same reasons I find it extremeley satisfactiory to cook a good meal from leftovers and things already in the cupboards. Or making the white rack in the picture below from spare materials. All I bought was the rack rails, the rest was stuff I had laying around. It's about putting old gear to good use in a modern setting, and it's about not wasting good money on expensive stuff that can be replaced by yesterdays technology. I suppose I do it for these reasons:
  1. I'm cheap :-)
  2. I can't afford the newest stuff. 
  3. I like tinkering with old electronics.
  4. Recycling instead of buying new things.
  5. The fascination of bringing old and new together. 
My homemade rack

I put together this nice rack and filled it with some very nice pieces of equipment that I have bought rather cheap. In the picture you see:
1. Boss RDD-10 digital delay
2. Emagic amt8 MIDI interface
3. AKAI S3000XL sampler
4. Korg M3R sound module
5. Roland U220 sound module

Below the rack is the modern domain: A Mac Mini and a Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 audio interface.

I thought it would be nice to document some of the things I find out along the way about all these lovely gadgets. And also some of the other stuff i have lying around. More on that later! I have become rather fond of MIDI sound modules from the 80's and 90's and I plan on adding more modules to my setup.

I hope You will enjoy reading about my experiences with my gadgets and feel free to share your thoughts or ask any questions.